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Live-Webcams Galsterbergalm

Our home base - Our farm on the Michaelerberg (elev. 890 m)

Our home farm, known locally as the “Galster­berger”, lies on the Michaelerberg at 890 m above sea level. 

We are an organic farm with a focus on suckler herds. We currently have approximately 50 mother cows, 2 bulls and ca. 25 calves. In order to make life as pleasant as possible for our cows, they are kept in a cowshed with open stalls. In summer, they also get to enjoy the mountain world, allowed to graze our alpine pastures.

Our much-loved goats are also part of our livestock. In fact, it’s impossible to imagine life on our farm without them anymore. 

Without a doubt, two of the most famous pigs in the region are our Gallic wild boar (“Lilli and Willi”), who likewise get to spend their summer holidays on the high pastures, and the rest of the year at our home farm.

And last but not least, how could we forget our sheepdog “Ferro”, who watches out for all of the animals on the farm.

Products from our farm are offered at our mountain hut ...